class: center, middle, white-titles animated fadeIn faster background-image: url( # What’s New in Bridgetown 1.2, the Plugin Ecosystem, and Content Publishing ## Keynote Speaker: Jared White --- class: animated fadeInRight faster bigger-list bold-list # Here’s What We’ll Talk About 1. A Brief Introduction 2. State of the Union 3. What’s New in Bridgetown 1.2 4. Fast-charging the Plugin Ecosystem 5. The Future: “Publishing Hub” Strategy 6. Q & A .right.gray[Presented on] .right.gray[Monday, November 7, 2022] --- class: center animated fadeIn # Allow Me To Introduce Myself -- .avatar[![Jared White](/assets/jared-studio-professional.jpg)] I’m Jared White, the Founder and Lead Rubyist at [Whitefusion](, a boutique web studio based in Portland, OR. [.twitter[![Twitter](/assets/twitter.svg)]@jaredcwhite]( .gray[/] [.github[![Mastodon](/assets/mastodon.svg)]]( .gray[/] [.github[![Github](/assets/github.svg)]@jaredcwhite]( I’ve been a Rails dev since 2008, and a Jekyll/Bridgetown site builder since 2015. And as a designer/developer/blogger in general, since 1997!!! 😱 --- class: animated fadeInRight faster .center.spicy-logo[![Spicy Web Logo](] * Blog posts & videos about "vanilla" frontend web specifications & techniques * Discord community to share tips 'n' tricks * Upcoming: a subscription platform for courses which do a deep dive into web topics * The first one will be all about writing modern, maintainable CSS using design system thinking .center[🔗 [](] --- class: animated fadeInRight faster .center.fullstackruby-logo[![Fullstack Ruby Logo](/assets/fullstackruby.svg)] * A blog about Ruby-themed web development topics and “the art of code” * A podcast about, er, well, all that too 😄 * Join our mailing list of nearly 300 Ruby developers: .center[🔗 [](] --- class: center middle animated zoomIn big # “Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man” of Bridgetown .big[![Bridgetown](] --- class: center middle animated fadeInRight # State of the Union 2022 ![applause](/assets/applause.gif) --- class: animated fadeInRight # Stats * 800+ stars on GitHub, on track for 1K next year * Repositories that depend on Bridgetown: 500+ ‼️ * 27 current sponsors, $400+ month * 40 all-time sponsors and growing! * 338 Discord members, 43 code contributors * Three major releases in 2022 alone: * **March: v1.0** (thanks to a successful $4000+ fundraising campaign) * **July: v1.1** * **November: v1.2** * Increasing awareness in broader web dev industry * Anecdotes of people new to Ruby or re-learning Ruby using Bridgetown --- class: center middle animated fadeInRight # Features Galore. .big[![Super-dee-dooper Features](/assets/super-dee-dooper.jpg)] --- class: center middle animated zoomIn # “Hybrid Architecture” ![architecture gif](/assets/architecture-building.gif) --- class: animated fadeIn faster # SSG vs. SSR * Static Site Generation (**SSG**): build once for deployment (usually for each Git commit or from a CMS trigger). It's cached "forever". * Server-Side Rendering (**SSR**): dynamically build and serve HTML for each request, requires a web server (obviously). No caching unless you somehow opt-in. -- .center[![why not both?](/assets/why-not-both.gif)] --- class: animated fadeInRight # SSG _and_ SSR 😃👍 ## aka the “DREAMstack” ### (Delightful Ruby Expressing APIs & Markup) * **SSG**: build key public pages once per deployment, cached "forever" via CDN. In other words, your “**Marketing / Content Site**” * **SSR**: dynamically build and serve HTML for each request on pages which need CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete), user presence, paywalled content, and other up-to-the-minute data. aka your “**Web Application**” * Use techniques like **Hotwire Turbo**, componentized views, and "island architecture" to infuse static pages with dynamic content. * Our SSR features are powered by **Roda**, a fast web toolkit with much to recommend it vs. Rails for _some_ projects. --- class: center middle animated zoomIn faster # Bridgetown is a fullstack framework.
“Static Site Generator” is a feature. ## (this may take some getting used to…) --- class: center middle animated fadeInRight faster
--- class: center middle animated zoomIn faster # The Future of the Web is: ## React Server Components + Turbopack + Tailwind + Deno + Edge + TypeScript + GraphQL + … --- class: center middle # No. ![Bugs Bunny says NO](/assets/bugs-no.jpg) --- class: center middle animated fadeInRight faster # Let’s keep pushing a
\*\*polyglot web & standards\*\* forward. ## The Bridgetown Manifesto is:
not “100% vanilla” HTTP/HTML/CSS/JS…but _close_. --- class: center middle ## (and of course, .twitter[![Ruby](/assets/ruby.svg)] **Ruby**!) --- class: center middle animated zoomIn ## And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for: # What’s New in Bridgetown 1.2 .fullstackruby-logo[![Seinfeld happy dance](/assets/friday-happy-dance.gif)] --- class: animated fadeInRight # What’s New in Bridgetown 1.2
“Bonny Slope” * **Moonshine** (just kidding) * **Ruby-based Configuration** and Initialization System (for plugins too!) * **Slotted content** in pages and components (some might say: finally!) * In **templates**: use `data` instead of `` everywhere 🙌 * Last version supporting Ruby 2.7. In 2023, we go **Ruby 3.0+** 🎉 --- class: animated fadeInRight faster # Ruby-based Configuration and Initialization System * Write configuration using Ruby code. YAML now optional! * No more “magic” `bridgetown_plugins` bundler group (except for legacy installs) * Initialize Bridgetown plugins, generic gems, and the Roda server via one location and concept * Plugins have better hooks for providing user-configurable options and defaults * Future goal: fewer "globals" to deal with, so can boot multiple Bridgetown sites at once --- class: animated fadeInRight faster # Configuring Your Site ```ruby # config/initializers.rb Bridgetown.configure do |config| init :dotenv config.autoload_paths << "jobs" permalink "pretty" timezone "America/Los_Angeles" only :server do init :mail, password: ENV["SENDGRID_API_KEY"] roda do |app| app.plugin :default_headers, 'Strict-Transport-Security'=>'max-age=16070400;' end end end ``` --- class: animated fadeInRight faster # Write Your Own Initializers ```ruby # Somewhere in config/initializers.rb init :mail, password: "..." ``` ```ruby # config/mail.rb Bridgetown.initializer :mail do |password:| Mail.defaults do delivery_method :smtp, address: "", port: 465, user_name: "apikey", password:, authentication: :plain, tls: true end end ``` --- class: animated fadeInRight faster smaller-code # Plugins Should Provide Initializers ```ruby # Somewhere in config/initializers.rb init :cool_fancy_plugin, arg1: "...", arg2: "..." ``` ```ruby # In the root file of your plugin gem: require "cool_fancy_plugin/builder" Bridgetown.initializer :cool_fancy_plugin do |config, arg1:, arg2: "default value"| config.cool_fancy_plugin ||= {} config.cool_fancy_plugin.option1 = arg1 config.cool_fancy_plugin.option2 = arg2 config.builder CoolFancyPlugin::Builder config.source_manifest( origin: CoolFancyPlugin, components: File.expand_path("../components", __dir__), layouts: File.expand_path("../layouts", __dir__), content: File.expand_path("../content", __dir__) ) end ``` --- class: animated center middle zoomIn # Configuration Documentation! ![applause gif](/assets/applause.gif) **** --- class: animated fadeInRight # Slotted Content in Templates ```erb <%= slotted :html_head %> ``` ```erb
Hello, I'm a Heading.
<% slot :html_head do %> <% end %> ``` --- class: animated fadeInRight smaller-code # Slotted Content in Components ```erb <%= render( "Card Header", footer: "Card Footer")) do |card| %> <% card.slot :image do %>
<% end %> Some card content goes here! <% end %> ``` ```erb
<%= title %>
<%= slotted :image do %>
<% end %> <%= content %> ``` --- class: animated center middle zoomIn # Slots Documentation! ![applause gif](/assets/applause.gif) **** --- class: center middle animated zoomIn # Now, let’s talk about plugins. ![lego building blocks gif](/assets/lego-bricks.gif) --- class: center middle animated zoomIn # 2023 will be
💥 “The Year of Bridgetown Plugins” 💥 ![fireworks gif](/assets/fireworks.gif) --- class: animated fadeInRight faster # A Growing Super-Useful Plugin Ecosystem * **Turbo** (`roda-turbo`) * **Forms** (`lifeform`) * **Database** (`bridgetown-activerecord`) * **Auth** (Active Record, `pundit` integration, & more) * **Memberships**, **Paywalls**, etc. (payments via `stripe`, etc.) * **Dashboards**, **Charts**, etc. --- class: animated fadeInRight faster # And we already support integrations with: * **Open Props** * **Shoelace** * **Lit** * **Ruby2JS** --- # And we already support integrations with: * **Open Props** * **Shoelace** * **Lit** * **Ruby2JS** .center[…and coming soon: a whole new Ruby-based **Web Components SSR pipeline** with per-island hydration in JavaScript 🙌] --- class: center middle animated zoomIn # We want your plugins, themes, and community tools. ![We are once again asking you Bernie Sanders meme](/assets/asking-you.jpg) --- class: center animated fadeInRight # Final Topic: Bridgetown as Your “Publishing Hub” Remember this? Steve Jobs’ “Digital Hub” strategy for Apple: .horiz-align[![digital hub graphic](/assets/digital-hub-graphic.jpg) ![digital hub statement](/assets/digital-hub.jpg)] --- class: center animated fadeInRight faster # OK, so that worked. 👏 ## Our computers, tablets, phones, and cloud services all form a sort of **digital hub** for generating and consuming awesome content. ## But…um…where do you _publish_ all that awesome content online? # 🤔🤔🤔 --- class: center middle animated zoomIn # Your New “Publishing Hub” .big[![hub of services](/assets/publishing-hub.png)] --- class: animated fadeInRight faster # IndieWeb Terminology: * **POSSE**: Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere * You post content on your own site, then link to it from other locations (social media, etc.). Great for traditional blogging. * **PESOS**: Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate (to your) Own Site * Great for multimedia and other formats (photography, videos, podcasts, newsletters, etc.). In **2023**, _experimental_ Bridgetown plugins will start to provide those **PESOS** solutions. Thus in terms of either “IndieWeb” approach, your own website under your own direct control will become the nexus of _all_ your published digital content. 🎉 --- class: center middle animated fadeIn # In Summary… ![let me sum up](/assets/let-me-sum-up.jpg) --- class: center middle animated fadeInRight # The Bridgetown ecosystem is really still getting started. We have a lot of work ahead of us. ## But we’re building on top of a cool architecture and an amazing open source community. It’s a _great_ time to be a Rubyist and a web developer. 😎 --- class: center middle animated fadeIn faster # Thank You # 🙏 -- ## Start using Bridgetown, file some issues, become a contributor, and rock this party! 🎉 ## **[](** --- class: center middle animated fadeInRight faster # Questions? .avatar[![Bridgetown Logo](/assets/bridgetown-avatar.svg)] ## **[](**